Jörn Nettingsmeier <nettings(a)folkwang-hochschule.de> writes:
cool. nedko, not intending to rehash the dbus carnage
of yore, but:
for a headless system without a user logged in via some graphical
desktop, what is needed to be able to run LADI?
The DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS must contain the address of the session bus
daemon. Check the man page of "dbus-launch". I launch the session bus
daemon from by ~/.xinitrc script (I don't use xdm/kdm/gdm) like this:
eval `dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session`
The man page has more documentation. Countrary to popular beleif, D-Bus
is not bound to desktop, in the GUI sense. It does not even make sense
for the system bus where HAL and other system stuff lurks.
i for one would be interested in having a rudimentary
start script that
gets all the $FOOkits and dbus-$GIZMOs in place so that LADIsh can work.
even if few people will use it on headless systems, it would be very
instructive and show how different system services work together.
You need to obtain the value for the session bus address on each tty
(local or ssh ones for headless operation). If you came with steps for
setting such envirnment, please share them - I want them on
Nedko Arnaudov <GnuPG KeyID: DE1716B0>