On Mon, Dec 09, 2002 at 05:08:29PM +0100, David Olofson wrote:
OK, that
sounds useful, but also really hard. Realisticly a reverb
can't tell when its gone to zero except by inspection and
Well, just don't do it if it's too hard. Keep in mind though, that by
doing that, you're only moving the problem over to the host and/or
the user.
Good! If the host really wants to know it was waste cycles doing it. Most
of the time the host wont want to know, so it will just waste the plugin
cycles trying to calculate when its silent (especially if it has to
inspect internal buffers). I guess you could indicate to the plugin wether
you care, but thats getting more complex.
Well, there's always the output meter hack. :-)
Yep, and that requires no support from the plugin.
I guess there is a reason why most plugin APIs have
this feature -
but there must also be a reason why so many plugins don't implement
it. :-)
One thing we should have is a latency indication. Its blantantly missing
from ladspa.
Though its probably only useful on inline processing plugins, not
- Steve