On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 07:32:58PM +0100, Nick Copeland wrote:
X11 hides the hardware and allows the app to be
independent of it, just as do
Jack for audio, sockets for networking, etc. Do you suggest that I should not
use Jack or sockets because e.g. Windows doesn't have them (natively) ?
Actually yes, I am suggesting you don't use Jack or Sockets if you want your app to
well written and portable.
No, Fons, you are mixing things up. Most systems do not even run X servers. Most
systems don't even run *nix.
OK, let's make a few thing clear. I write for Linux. This list
is called "Linux Audio Developers". I don't care a second if my
apps are not portable to OSX, windows, or whatever you like.