On 11/16/2012 04:57 PM, Louis Gorenfeld wrote:
I'm the author of a free VST called Digits that has a Linux port.
Recently, I put out a new version that has a full editor GUI, but was
unable to get the GUI to work on Linux because VSTGUI 4 doesn't appear
to have a Linux port.
What do you think the best strategy (fastest, least code changes)
would be to deliver a GUI for Linux users? I see on the JUCETICE site
that there's a VSTGUI 3.0 port, and the old 2.2 VSTGUI that comes with
the VST SDK has at least some Linux support (IIRC). I don't use any
advanced features (just dials, labels, and sliders). Are either of
these good options, and which would be best?
Input from somebody experienced with this would be great.
Hello Louis,
You might want to contact Filipe Coelho (aka falktx).