Paul Davis schrieb:
although i agree that this is the right design for
many classes of
application design, i would like to see how you propose to tackle
metering and waveform display (the two most difficult examples).
ardour would be relatively easy to separate into interface+engine
processes (as opposed to just a lib/lib-client separation) if it were
not for these issues. moving waveform and metering data back and forth
between two processes via a wire protocol is very expensive and
The key here is to reduce the data to be displayed to what the GUI
actually needs.
Example: metering
You can send every rms + peak at 32 float at 44.1kHz, requiring 4 * 2*
44100 Bytes/sec per track
send the peak and the RMS reduced to 8-Bit resolution at a rate of 25Hz
=> 50 Bytes/sec per track
The latter will satisfy even people running a display at 1280x1024 with
the full vertical resolution dedicated
to the meters. 4 Bit displayed resolution isn't that noticable, nor is
the 25Hz update rate.
Example: waveform
Let the GUI send a request with startposition, endposition, length +
required resolution and return only the requested data.
Suppose you have a 10sec wave you want to display from second 4 to
second 6, using a canvas of 256 * 1024 pixels,
your engine only needs to send 1024 bytes.
Actually, i consider any realtime application, which does not separated
rt part and gui into different processes,
a bad design.
Not to mention that this separation allows to run several rt engines in
a single process thread and have each of
them communicate to their guis, independent of what toolkits the guis
are based on and whether or not these guis
run on completely different machines/architectures.