On Thursday 08 May 2003 21:00, nickt wrote:
What I am wondering about is the License to Kylix.
Where is it? I am
guessing that is why it has not been adopted more by OSS people.
Speaking personally, I guess two main things have kept me away from it. I
tried installing it from an RPM supplied with one of the recent SuSE distros
(8.0, I think it was), and the first thing it wanted to do after initial
startup was take me to a web site to fill out a huge registration form for
Borland before it would mail me a license file to permit it to run. The
requirement to check in with Big Brother was in and of itself enough to keep
me from going any further with it.
Then there are the dependencies. The version I tried (2.x, I think) used
wine extensively, meaning that any apps built in it are essentially Win32
binaries that run on top of an emulation layer. In addition to all the
performance implications, it means dependencies on some rather exotic
libraries, libraries not commonly found in many distros. Wine itself has
been a WIP for years as it chases after the ever-mutating Win32 "standard",
so stability could be problematical as well.
All in all, I much prefer Qt's approach to cross-platform support, where the
widgets are ported to directly call the underlying windowing system, be it
X11, Win32, OS-X or whatever.
| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. | Salem Radio Labs |
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| The number of arguments is unimportant unless some of them are correct. |
| -- Ralph Hartley |