Fons Adriaensen wrote:
On Sat, Jan 29, 2005 at 10:53:14AM -0600, Levi D.
Burton wrote:
>does the idea of documenting various lad design patterns make sense to anyone?
>seems a lot of stuff is sort of voodooish.
denormals anyone?
There is a lot of common sense involved, and usually a
collection of different types of voodoo:
- signal processing
- designing for real time
- multithreading
- system interfaces
- event driven systems
So can you, or anyone else, give a few solid references for where to
learn the fundamentals of each of those topics? (preferably with a focus
on audio.)
and of course this leads to some recurring patterns
all but the most trivial applications.
It's a good thing to have some framework that is designed to
be compatible with all these aspects. Given this, it doesn't
matter so much how a particular pattern is implemented, but
consistency and making simple things fit and work together
help a lot.
For example, a recurring theme in more complex audio apps is
the 'lock_free ring buffer' that is normally used to pass
audio samples between two threads without ever blocking one
of them.
The JACK code provides an implementation of this, and many
people use it. I don't, not because there is anything wrong
with the code, but because if I use the ITC features of my
threads lib in the correct way, I get the same effect without
any extra code. The two implementations couldn't be more
different, but it's still the same pattern.
Because audio (and signal processing in general) programming
involves this mix of disciplines, combining high (abstraction)
and low (down to the hardware) level features and elements
from audio engineering and DSP, many of the things you may
learn on the way to a degree in IT could actually more of
Ahha! there. It's decided. I don't need to go back to school to get a
comp sci degree. Fons said so. ;)
a hindrance than a asset, unless you are capable of
some distance from them. Forget 'extreme programming', and
all the other 'hype of the day' that thrives in information
engineering circles, and embrace common sense.
Are there some bodies of knowledge in published works that are more
appropriate for the would be linux audio developer than other texts
intended for the general programmer?
Currently I'm reading the linux-audio-dev archives ... I'm learning, but
it's slow since the discussions between Paul Davis, David Olofson,
Jaroslav, Benno, etc., etc. from back in 1999 include them working out
what these design patterns would be. I can see hints of elements of
ladspa and jack and dssi and alsa that evolved over the past 6 years and
it's very interesting to me to read these discussions. But, at the rate
I'm going I'll never catch up to the current state of affairs without
quiting my day job and devoting myself full time to this study. I would
love to do that, but it just ain't practical.
I've read K&R and Harbison and Steele ... so I have a decent grasp of
the syntax of C. I use python and bash at work and at home, so I'm
beginning to learn a little bit of how to program. But, I don't know
where to go to learn "linux audio development". I'm not personally
interested in coding gui's, writing web or accounting apps. I don't even
have a burning need to have my own project. I want to have the
conceptual knowledge to contribute to existing projects. At the moment
I'm most interested in the drivers and tools for my sound card, jack,
ladspa, dssi, ecasound and ardour.
Anyway, I'm not complaining. I know all the code is there to be read and
is most likely the best possible resource for learning how this stuff
works. I'm more just expressing "yeah, Levi, I'm right there with you."
BTW, Levi, your music rocks. :)
-Eric Rz.