On Thu, Apr 20, 2006 at 11:26:27 -0400, Taybin Rutkin wrote:
On Apr 20, 2006, at 9:05 PM, Paul Winkler wrote:
OTOH, it's pretty obvious why this is the
case. Imagine if it *did*
to resolve to something. What would that mean? it only works when the
server's up? (and DNS, and the end user's internet connection, and and
and...) That would suck so bad.
I wonder why people include the protocol though? Using a java style
reverse DNS would have worked just fine:
org.ladspa.ontology would have made sense too.
Heh, that's a whole long argument. In brief: I should have put a copy of
the ontology there (I meant to, just never got round to it), and that
means that if/when a human finds a ladspa rdf file in the wild, they can
type it in the namespace and find a copy of the ontology (with human
readable notes in it) that explains what it is.
If you use a tag: URI, or something else unresolvable then you dont have
the option to look it up, ever. But, if you use HTTP then you can put
something there, should you want to.
- Steve