On Sun, Jul 16, 2006 at 05:38:15PM +0000, carmen wrote:
On Sun Jul 16, 2006 at 07:35:19PM +0200, Lars Luthman
On Sun, 2006-07-16 at 17:28 +0000, carmen wrote:
i notice this file:
http://lv2plug.in/spec/lv2.ttl is in the nicely readable
turtle format. my main question is, whether this will be transformed to RDF-XML
during 'make install' or perhaps by the developer themselves (Eg, similar to
leaving a configure script around for those who dont have autoconf).
I hope not - I've already written a host that parses Turtle and only
you hope not what? it just seems like Turtle should be developers choice, and the format
in the .bundle should be more standard - even Firefox can parse RDF/XML out of the box.
the vast majority of the cool tools like Fresnel/Protoge that some develoeprs might want
to edit their schemas in, don't support Turtle as well, AFAIK..
I've never heard of Fresnel, but Protege can read N3, which is a superset
of Turtle. There's some pretty strong anti-XML feeling in this community,
and Turtle was less contraversial all round.
Personally I prefer reading and writing Turtle to RDF/XML, which is pretty
hideous. If your tool of choice can't read Turtle directly, just use
something like rapper to turn it into RDF/XML first.
- Steve