On Thu, Dec 11, 2003 at 11:43:02AM +0000, Steve Harris wrote:
On Thu, Dec 11, 2003 at 12:16:27 +0100, Maarten de
Boer wrote:
i remember
that some time ago there was some discussion about
bandwidth limited waveform generators. my question is: did
anybody compare the various implementations, and does anybody
have an idea what would be the fastest? (square, saw)
I use a set of tables with increasing numbers of partials
http://plugin.org.uk/src/util/blo.h, .c) for tri, squ, saw. Its pretty
basic but it works and its fast. It handles stuff like partial pop-in
problems for you.
I have anti-aliased dirac pulse (flat amplitude spectrum) and sawtooth
(1/f amplitude spectrum) plugins that will be released probably tomorrow
on the Alsamodular site. A square / rectangle / triangle one is 'under
They use interpolated dirac pulses and integrals thereof. Aliases
are below -80 dB for F < Fs/6 (this covers the fundamental frequency
range of most instruments). Memory footprint is very small, and the
code is quite simple and fast.