On Mon, Aug 09, 2004 at 05:06:10PM +0200, Mario Lang wrote:
It is automatically brought up if you call s.boot.
Thanks for your reply, and yes, that's what I found out.
For more details, look at the Server and ServerOptions
(use C-c C-h in an Emacs SCEL buffer to access the helpfiles).
The help items in the sclang menu don't seem to work. They
want a directory 'SuperCollider/help', and there is no 'help'
directory at all in what I co'd from CVS. Also "Show server
panels" prints the command name in the minibuffer, and that's all.
Is there a list of all the available classes, their methods and
paramters ? The only thing I found is a 5 year old PDF document
on SC2. Most of the examples in this text do no work at all -
probably a lot has changed between SC2 and SC3.
It really seems SC is the tool I've been waiting for, so I will
spend whatever time and effort required in order to learn to
master it. But starting from the little documentation that I
was able to find is a bit hard :-(
In the longer term, I'd like to be able to write programs that
use scsynth directly as a 'synthesizer server'.