On Thu, 2007-09-27 at 22:31 +0200, Fons Adriaensen
On Thu, Sep 27, 2007 at 09:19:53PM +0200, Georg
Holzmann wrote:
BTW: adding just a small DC bias won't work
if I have IIR high pass like
structure, or am I wrong ?
You have to apply the small offset at 'strategic places'. For an IIR
this is at the summing node, to the value that gets stored into the
filter's delay line. In other words, inside the feedback loop.
Although you are approximately right in many parts of this discussion,
you are wrong on the cost of the CPU flags to round twards zero. The
cost is nil.
I never said the cost was not nil... In fact I never said anything
about it at all !
Laboratorio di Acustica ed Elettroacustica
Parma, Italia
Lascia la spina, cogli la rosa.