Paul Davis:
sure, thats a good high level description of what
ardour is doing.
I thought ardour (ongoing) doesn't allow inserting plugins with
non-matching portcounts?
but think about what this actually means in practice:
it means that
your chaining logic is actually responsible for plugin
instantiation (and destruction). a given plugin "unit" might have
1, 2 or more actual plugin instances within it. but if plugin
instantiation is being done from within the chaining logic, how
does it share code that the host might use that overlaps with this
in some way?
My gut reaction is to think that it's a bad thing if there were
overlaps in handling connections; that there should be 1 plumber in
the house to handle all the connections a signal route could imply.
The plumber would know from a chain members's properties whether it
needs to bring in jack logic, inter-plugin logic ... The house would
only ask for new chain members, not set them up. Refactor?