Am 09.02.2013 12:38, schrieb Dominique Michel:
Is is a few applications that claim to be able to do
that. By example
but in practice, it is total unusable.
Quote: "Guitarix offers this, Given, you play with good intonation/a
well tuned instrument, it works OK."
I was never able to make it work even with a well tuned guitar.
To be clear, we never claim to be able to do that!
That is a quote from a user, not from us (guitarix developers).
This audi2midi converter was never mean to do what you expected, it was
ever mean as a "Band in the Box" experience.
I had a lot of fun with it by driving (qsynth) some percussion, or a
Bass, . . with it, when I play alone guitar.
However, this module is removed (from the releases) since a year or so,