The timer frequency I was refering to is the linux kernel scheduling
frequency, ie. the (asm/param.h) HZ constant. Since of 2.5 kernel it is
increased from 100 tot 1000 btw.
For you're first question I'm not aware of a conclusive list. It would be
good to have it though, since I was tricked with the same CMI PCI card flaw,
not even considering that these design errors are still being made (and
possibly even under the excuse of maintaining SB crap compatibility huh).
I'll try to give you a list of cards _I_ know the status of:
Bad MIDI transmission:
Soundblaster 16
Soundblaster AWE64
C-Media CMI8738
Good MIDI transmission:
Gravis Ultrasound Max
Ensoniq AudioPCI
Soundblaster 128 (PCI)
Soundblaster Live
Of course many more options exist, perhaps others know some more details.
On Fri, Nov 22, 2002 at 09:15:55PM +0000, Bruce M Beach wrote:
On Fri, 22 Nov 2002, Frank van de Pol wrote:
Hi Bruce,
the cmpci cards have the same hardware design error as the older soundblaster
cards (eg. SB16/AWE64). The cards lack the ability to generate interrupts.....
If you want to drive your external MIDI gear,
just use an interface which
has a decent MIDI port. In case you do not have the option to fix the ...
....... a high (2 kHz) timer frequency instead of the standard 100 Hz.
Hello Frank
Thanks for the reply. Just for fun, I downloaded the alsa code and tried
the midi fifo (midiC0D0), and got fairly chaotic results, which I suspect
was due to the 'timer' frequency, which I don't really understand what
it is. As far as the lack of an interupt goes for the card, upon reflection
I would imagine writeing a polling type driver for a multitasking system
as something of a hideous nightmare. Fortunately I am not stuck with
the cmipci card. I can replace it. I also have another option which I like
better. The korg has a jack for a standard serial port which I'll try to
hook up.
+---- --- -- - - - -
| Frank van de Pol -o) A-L-S-A
| FvdPol(a) /\\ Sounds good!
| _\_v
| Linux - Why use Windows if we have doors available?