El 07/07/2010 10:07 AM, Louigi Verona escribió:
Why not?
I don't know in Qtractor, but in Ardour you can do that... For the
audio signals, even routing to their inputs mono outputs of other
tracks (and/or system inputs), or by sends.
And for the controls you have automations.
I don't understand the problem...
Best regards,
Ardour does not see three inputs of, say, a LADSPA Vocoder. It sees
only two. LADSPA Vocoder has three and you need three to create an effect.
Ah, ok, now I guess I understood: one of the inputs is MIDI...
But you can do the same using just audio signal inputs in the vocoder,
and a simple synth with its output connected to one of the vocoder
inputs. Right?