On Monday 12 April 2004 18:29, Paul Winkler wrote:
On Mon, Apr 12, 2004 at 06:00:48PM +0200, Peter
Eschler wrote:
Since i did some LAMP sites last year, i have some experience in creating
a dynamic site. Like with everybody else my time is limited, but trying
to bring "Sound & MIDI Software For Linux" into a dynamic form using PHP
sounds like a challenge ;-)
FYI, I'm still planning to implement my own proposal which has
been discussed quite a lot in the L-A-U archives.
I'm not subscribed to L-A-U and didn't read the archives yet ;-(
So i missed that one...
I do somewhat similar sites for a living. It just
needs me to block out a
chunk of time (1 or 2 weekends) to bang it out.
Sounds like you're the right one for this job ;-)
"Without music, life would _O_/ \_O_/ +----------------------+
be a mistake - I would / )) [] | Peter Eschler |
only believe in a god who \\ // | peschler(a)t-online.de |
knew how to dance." (Nietzsche) // \\ +----------------------+