On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Ismael Valladolid Torres wrote:
Matt Gerassimoff escribio el 23/07/03 19:46:
Try gentoo. It is the reasons you describe why I
switched. I get the
latest updates as soon as there available. Sometimes, I can't wait and
just update the ebuild scripts (you'll read about them on the web site:
www.gentoo.org). I have since replaced all my production servers to use
gentoo. It's great. It takes a little more to install on the front end,
which will be taken care of on the next major release (due Aug 5), but
it's worth it because of the ease of maintainance.
I am afraid that I would feel more "unstability" over Gentoo than over
Debian whichever the flavour. Thanks for the suggestion, I think I will
be trying someday. Anyway, nothing surpasses Debian stable for
production servers... :P
As far as the stablilty, you need to try it first.
But, when you ask for conflicting features, one is always going to suffer.
Stability or lastest releases of software. There are differing levels of
stability for gentoo. It depends on how stable you want it. You can
also, choose stability for some packages and development versions for
others. The system is setup to handle both seemlessly.