First of all, I realised I was being cheeky by adding a feature I wanted
(units), while refusing to consider anyone elses! So, I removed the units
property from the Amp plugin. I'm happy to consider it a testcase and I
will make a schema for it and start using it when/if LADSPA2 gets OKd by
the community.
I made 2 actual ABI changes:
The path of the directory/bundle is passed to instantiate(). This is
neccessary to make it actually useful. It could have been passed to other
methods, but that seemed most appropriate.
For some potential features, like Fons' polyphonic control ports, it's hard
for the plugin to detect wether the host is using the feature or not. I
added an array of URIs to instantiate() that lets the host tell the plugin
what hints etc. it supports. The plugin can then refuse to instantiate or
fall back if it doesn't like the featureset.
I also added some (silly) scale points to the Amp plugin, just to show how
it's done, and I added translations to some of the strings, to show how
that's done.
- Steve