Paul Davis wrote:
On Fri, 2008-01-18 at 16:02 +0100, Pieter Palmers
indeed, but do you have an alternative? It's
sort-of a chicken-and-egg
issue. Back when jack was conceived, there were no jack clients either.
So you didn't have anything to 'talk to' either (important exception: a
i don't know that it matters, but this is not strictly how it happened.
JACK was developed out of Ardour's initial AudioEngine object. As a
result, when the first version of JACK was available, Ardour could
already use it. how much of an incentive or disincentive this was to
JACK's adoption is probably not relevant.
Let me rephrase my remark to make it more correct: jack itself was
probably conceived with only one client and a soundcard to talk to, and
hence could also be denoted as a 'fantastic engineering solution that
doesn't talk to anything', at least not the way it does now.
The point I'm trying to make is that sometimes things start out with a
limited use scenario, but evolve into something generally adopted. And
sometimes this evolution doesn't take place...
Thanks for the correction, I wasn't that LAD-active back then.
Incredible how old jack has become... and still no 1.0 :)...