On Mon, Mar 22, 2004 at 04:33:57PM +0100, Cournapeau David wrote:
Linux is
lacking efficient, high-quality standalone EQs for example.
What do you mean by standalone ? Something like a jack client ? Or totally
independant (portaudio client, etc...) What would
be the differences compare to a LADSPA plug-in for example ?
(advantages, disadvantages)
Yes, I was thinking of a jack client - recent versions of Port Audio
support JACK I think - the advantage over a LADSPA plugin is that you can
code the UI, whereas LADSPA plugins (currently) have no UI specification.
Large multiband EQs and parametrics really need a custom UI to be useful
IMHO. EQ was only an example though - I'm sure there are plenty of other
useful projects.
Please excuse my ignorance if the above question is
nonsense; I am still
not confortable with the different 'protocols/API/format' under unix and
- Steve