Dan Mills wrote:
Wireless power transmission by low frequency resonant coupling **IS** a
useful trick in some circumstances (I have seen it used to charge hand
lamps for use in explosive atmospheres for example (Well over ten years
back)), and in intels case could be used to for example power a wireless
mouse or charge a phone, but you can bet there would be a handshake
between the device and the charging pad prior to RF being applied.
They demo'd
a 60w light bulb which they said could get 80% efficiency
upto 3 feet. They are expecting to increase the distance as the RnD
progresses. You can expect the transfer efficiency and power rating to
increase with time too.
The guy at MIT who designed the circuit has been on record saying it
will not interfere because the coupling is done at a very specific
will never work well over any distance as the inverse square law applies
once you are out of the near field of the aerial (A tuned loop from what
I can see - also very old technology), this distance depends on both
wavelength and loop dimensions, so making the loop smaller will not
improve things).
I believe Tesla would have had a word to say about the above statement...
It is not a viable replacement for a power cord for
anything that needs
more then a watt or so or that is reasonable mobile, but I could maybe
see it for things that can be placed on some sort of pad (And yes, RF
pickup will be a real and serious problem).
Regards, Dan.
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Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd.