Like said before good ideas. One thing that I agree
with is to have the playhead snap to the beginning of
a region when it is clicked on. This really would
speed up the editing process. Maybe something like
this could be toggled on or off in the options window.
Another thing is in range mode. I'd like to have it
so when you select a range that it would play that
range just by hitting spacebar or play from the
transport. As this would elimiate two mouse clicks.
Seems small but it really. Maybe have this in the
options window as well.
Also in range mode. Move the play head with a single
click would save alot of editing time. I know that if
you hit p this will happen whereever the mouse is, but
just clicking would be alot quicker.
I'm not complaining about the existing operations.
Ardour is awesome. I just like to be able to make
quick edits. And eliminating clicks and keystrokes
may not seem like much. But when you make possible
hundreds of edits a day, it makes a huge difference in
--- AES_24_96 <pipelineaudio(a)> wrote:
edit mode
I propose an edit mode or maybe its a mouse mode
that would
allow editing tasks to be performed with MUCH higher
and quite a few less keystrokes. A similar scheme
has been used
before to create an app with exponentially less
clicks and
keystrokes to perform many editing tasks than any
In this mode, playback cursor and edit cursor would
one and the same, a VERY skinny line that drops, and
wherever you left click the mouse in the edit
window, either
on the ruler or on a region itself.
Windows type conventions would apply to the
selection process.
Click a region, then shift click another region, and
those two
regions plus any region in between would be
selected. click a
region and control click another region for
selecting non
contiguous regions, and keep control clicking till
you have
selected all the regions you want. Click a fader and
shift click
or control click another fader to move multiple
faders at once.
Simple stuff, some of which Ardour already has, m to
drop a
marker, s to split, r after making a range selection
to define a
storable range. "g" groups all selected regions
whether on the same track or not, u ungroups
selected regions.
Let me flesh some of these out a bit. For grouping,
all grouped
tracks would be moved as one of them is, either in
time or
between tracks. As groups overlap each other they
would be
auto-crossfaded where relevant, according to the
excellent Ardour autocrossfade options. Very
there would be a "overide group" button in the
Ardour menu
bar, to perform actions on regions without bothering
regions grouped with them. Turning the button off
restore the group action.
Splits can be made in several ways. Clicking on a
region and
hitting s will split right where the cursor sits.
Clicking in a
trackspace without a region in it, or along the
ruler then hitting
s will split all regions under the cursor. Dragging
a range
along the ruler then hitting s will put a split at
the very
beginning and end of the selected range. Selected
selected by click shift click and/or click control
click as
described above would also be split by hitting the s
Region editing would be similar to the way ardour is
Resize by clicking and dragging on edges (would
group with
groups and selections). Control-click and drag on
edges will
time stretch or time compress, also groupable with
groups and
selections. Click dragging on the top edges of
either side will
control the fade in or fade out handle, same as
now. Click
dragging on the very top middle area of a region
would control
a per region volume trim. Right clicking a region
will bring up
a menu including things like reverse region, and
open copy of
region in audio editor.
Mouse wheel editing would be somewhat different.
With no
modifier, scrolling the wheel will zoom time in and
keeping the zooming centered around the cursor. In
the event
that zooming goes too far to keep centered, it will
go back to
the cursor center upon zooming back in.
Snapping: Right clicking the "snap to" button brings
up a speed
menu where you can select whether to snap to ruler
( as defined in the ruler speed menu), time, SMPTE,
measures, half notes, quarter notes, 8th notes, 16th
32nd notes, 64th notes and 128th notes). Holding
shift while
dragging a region overrides snapping. The "show
grid" next to
the snapping button will show a grid *VISIBLE
REGIONS* with its points set according to the "snap
speed menu.
Time display: Somewhere on ardour will be a time
screen. Top bar will show the timestamp of the
beginning of a
range selection. In the event of no range selection,
this will
show the timestamp at the cursor. The middle bar
will show
the timestamp at the end of the range selection. The
bar will show the duration of the range selection.
The main
time display as Ardour has now can be right clicked.
In the
speed menu that pops up, you can select between
MTC, time(hour, minutes, seconds, miliseconds),
and musical time( measures, quarter notes, 8th
notes, etc...).
Separately the ruler can also be right clicked to
display the
same options.
More to come, but I think with these basics ardour
would be
more than workable for those of Linux Noobs us who
been abandoned by our parent software company.
I know it sounds like a lot, but I think this would
result in many fewer commands to accomplish the same
actions we have now, and actually be simpler to work
and use.
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