On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 4:27 AM, Oliver Jaun <olijaun(a)yahoo.com> wrote:
I bought the natural drum samples (
http://www.naturaldrum.com/). It
contains WAVs and presets for Kontakt and Halion. Now I'd like to create
some gigasampler files in order to use it with linuxsampler.
The documentation of the natural drum sample library is quite good. The
only thing missing is the "loudness" of each sample in order to map each
sample to a velocity level from 0-127.
What would you recommend in order to calculate the "peek" of each drum
sample automatically? Is there a library which could do this? I would also
be happy with a command line tool like this:
$ peek bla.wav
Peek value: 12345
I could then write a C++-App using libgig.
Any ideas? Libraries? Algorithms?
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
You might try looking at Vamp Plugins:
More specifically, the developer tools seem to allow you to use a vamp
plugin easily from the command line:
http://www.vamp-plugins.org/develop.html I'm sure there's one to do RMS
measurement, or whatever.