On 15 June 2010 20:23, Harry Van Haaren <harryhaaren(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hey James,
Anyway, where can we find out more about your project?
I'd have some MIDI / JACK MIDI gtk
Ok I've got it on github now:
i keep trying to add a new README.run file but it insists everything
is up to date :/
Basically, have gtk+jack installed, etc,etc.
type 'make'
type './boxyseq'
do it in an 'xterm' so you can:
resize the xterm to 128 x 128 minimum
press and hold ctrl + right-mouse-button to select tiny font
and hey presto, watch those little boxes get placed...
and hey presto, watch them not get removed.
and then think 'there's a project if ever i saw one that's never gonna
get finished'