the project
http://nmedit.sf.net tries to recreate the editor for Clavia Nord
Modular. The progress is slow but steady.
I had an idea that we should create a generic module canvas that could be
reused by other modular synthesizers. It would handle module visualization,
movement, interaction, cable connections, common widgets and so on. XML could
be used to configure the canvas for a particular modular synthesizer. Some
kind of event model would be used to hook up the canvas with the underlying
patch representation. Unfortunately I haven't had the time to specify or
implement such a canvas yet. I am not involved in the current GUI effort,
which is a direct implementation in java without the generic canvas abstraction.
As things look now, the architecture will evolve into a protocol backend and
a graphical editor frontend. This means that it will be possible to control
the synth through both a text interface and a GUI.
Juhana Sadeharju wrote:
Hello. Who of us are working on a modular synth GUI
where user
grab&drag modules and connects them with cables? I'm myself
interested in the editor GUI development --- there already
are many modular audio engines, but not particularly good GUIs
(Quasimodo might be an exception if I remember correctly).
Below is a short list of modular synths. I'm still searching for
more. I will mail an updated list later, but at meanwhile you
could help me ;-)
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Name Author Has cable-GUI Has script-GUI
Nord Modular Clavia Yes No
Harmonizer/Vsig Eventide Yes Yes
Oasys Korg ? ?
Csound Barry Vercoe No Yes
Cmusic ? No Yes
Quasimodo Paul Davis Yes No
PD Miller Puckette Yes No
PSK ? No Yes
jmax ? ? ?
Nyquist (1) R.B. Dannenberg No Yes
SAOL ? No Yes
?? Creamware Yes No
Arts ? Yes No
Vaz Modular ? Yes No
Reaktor ? Yes No
Tasman ? ? ?
SyncC modular ? ? ?
BlockCompiler Matti Karjalainen No Yes
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