Firstly, I'd like to apologise for acting like a total arse about this.
It wasn't originally my intention to remove the site, but then a slip of
the finger with fdisk during my Nth reinstall that day kind of put paid
to it. The site and svn repository were backed up the day before,
thanks to someone with more foresight than I.
After I took the site down I got a surprising number of emails from
people who said they quite liked using nekobee, and asking what was
happening with it. The polite "hey I liked it" emails (you know who you
are) prompted me to look at getting it back and stop acting like a dick.
I also got quite a few really nasty emails which I won't go into lest I
incite a (another) flamefest. Suffice it to say that posting "You'd
better release the source, I know where you live" and a copy of my
contact details from whois *didn't* encourage me to bring the site back
up. It did, however, get forwarded onto Strathclyde Police's Computer
Crime Division (or whatever they call themselves). You know who you
are, too.
Anyway. I don't (really really don't) have time any more to do any
audio work on computers. Maybe in a few months that will change, we'll
have to see.
In the meantime, if anyone would like to take over any of the projects
(I've got a couple of experimental things I never bothered to make
public, and a few ideas on where to take them), then please email me
off-list to discuss it.