On Monday 27 July 2009 18:57:50 Nick Copeland wrote:
Man, This discussion is too good not to stick an oar
in. As far as Fons
goes, the forwarded mail is simply stoking the flames. I have a few email
from him, privately, that are extremely derogatory of anybody on this list
with artistic instincts and he might also consider keeping his private
messages as such. Fons had just got back from yet another pizza party, he
says, so perhaps he had another bottle too many and his fingers ran away
with him (before he flames me, I am also guilty of this at the very minute
although I went for a curry and it was definitely hotter than parma). Fons
has a tendency to talk a lot of drivel, then at times be unbelievably lucid
although I am not convinced this mail fell into the latter. His message
tends to be more succinct in those cases.
Ah, that is too damn funny.
Anyway, enough of hassling Fons, he contributes too immensely to Linux
Audio to heckled more than he is due.
The message I did want to give, before I got sidetracked by what could have
been a reasonable message to him (and I am pleased he forwarded it since it
was firstly quite funny and secondly embodied a number of things I have
wanted to say to him in the past but lacked that same clarity of
expression), was that either you do make software freely available or you
don't. If you can't let go of what you have created and let it go its own
course then it was a mistake to put it out there to start with. If you
really want to consider the legal alternatives then please just release
your code on MacOS, then release it on Windows and finally sue yourself.
That would be fun and it would at least leave the rest of us to get on with
what we are doing.
Either embrace the concept or don't get involved.
Open source, publicly released code is just that. You put it out in the
public. You let the cat out of the bag. There is no point in going bawling
to some non existent legal 'daddy' to change that fact. Either do release
or don't release it but please, don't look for sympathy from the open
source community for the pain inflicted by somebody else picking up what
you have done and improving/butchering/charging for the same. Unix is
littered with failed lawsuits.
The code is out there.
A man after my own heart.
FYI, still have not got any emails from SF, the project is still there, the
files are still there. Not surprisingly. Apparently, Mr. Keller did not
believe me when I said I had been through this before. Don't worry Bob,
there are lots of disingenuous folks out there pretending to be all FOSS and
using the GPL. That's why there are special legal groups and organizations to
protect exactly what I am doing. Look some of those up and check with
them. I'm sure they will get a laugh out of your protests too.