On Monday 12 April 2004 15:58, Dave Phillips wrote:
Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
Well, it would certainly help if the Linux soundapps pages didn't suck
so bad. It's all hand-edited HTML, no dynamic content, no user feedback
or other portals, no real assessments of the software, too little
information for the entries, et cetera ad nauseam.
I have lost count of the number of proposals I've received to upgrade
the sites to some more modern format. As Robin Whittle described it, the
pages are currently merely a monstrous "link farm", useful to some
extent, but hardly state-of-the-useful-art. I have less than zero time
to put into upgrading the site, and it is my hope that someday I'll be
able to turn the whole thing over to the community to turn it into
something more like what the community (myself included) would like to see.
Since i did some LAMP sites last year, i have some experience in creating a
dynamic site. Like with everybody else my time is limited, but trying to
bring "Sound & MIDI Software For Linux" into a dynamic form using PHP
like a challenge ;-)
FYI, I'm still planning to implement my own proposal which has
been discussed quite a lot in the L-A-U archives.
I do somewhat similar sites for a living. It just needs me to block out a
chunk of time (1 or 2 weekends) to bang it out.
Paul Winkler