On Mon, Dec 09, 2002 at 10:09:18 +0100, David Olofson wrote:
That explicit delay element I'm talking about
would probably be an
internal host object that's aware of the buffer size in the loop it
sits in, and subtracts the corresponding latency from the delay
parameter, so you get *exactly* the delay requested.
That soundsa little too hosty for my tastes. I'l just believe you :)
My experience
is that this isn't neccesary. Genrally nothing really
supprising happens in fedback systems, unless the blocksize is very
Well, most VST and DX hosts don't allow feedback loops at all,
AFAIK... I wouldn't think it's a major loss, unless you're doing
things that you *should* be doing on a modular synth.
A modular synth is just the logical extreme of any synth system. Not being
able to handle feedback is a serious failing, it rules out so many effects.
- Steve