On Mon, Oct 24, 2005 at 12:06:54PM +1300, Ross Levis wrote:
The code looping over the samples appears to be fine.
As I mentioned,
there is no problems with stereo or 44100 samples. The file format is
correct since I created the file myself. It is definately 16-bit, mono,
22050, and only this format has the noise.
However, I've also tested ith a constant faded volume. eg CurrVol stays
constant at one value. The problem still occurs. It's got me stumped,
considering that stereo samples work fine and yet the only difference is
that it works over double the number of bytes.
Very strange... The only thing I can suggest ATM is to use some fixed
faded volume, and print out a number of corresponding in/out samples
to see what exactly is happening.