2011/7/10 rosea
On 07/03/2011 12:27 AM, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
> As to Jack Session support, I won't even consider it as long
> as it doesn't support quit-without-save.
> The rationale for not supporting this is IMNSHO completely bogus.
playing around with it, I'm with you here. It should have
quit-without-save and a few more improvements.
> I've got some other gripes with
> Jack Session as well, but these have been discussed (or at least
> presented) before.
Looks like I missed that discussion.
I think Torben Hohn did very well, introducing jack-session,
it's the way to go, but I think too, it's not mature.
I've prepared a proposal that tries to improve some parts of jack-session,
without making it much more complicated.
Everyone is welcome, to add his ideas and opinion.
http://wiki.linuxaudio.org/wiki/user/emrum/jack_session_2_draft Good job. I added
some comments.