On 04/13/04 13:20:00, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
Dave Phillips writes:
Well, it would certainly help if the Linux
soundapps pages didn't
suck so bad.
Yes, so
I have lost count of the number of proposals
received to upgrade the sites to some more modern format.
why did you have to turn them all down? There must be capable
volunteers to help you with those pages, in a way you like too. The
Linux music/audio/sound community has grown a lot over the years. Besides,
Just to throw in my 2 cents (Canadian, being roughly equal to .0002 US cents):
If the linux sound apps page gets redesigned, I would really like to see a
format similar to the current one remain. ie big list pages of really brief
descriptions (essentially a big list of links). The "everything" page is also
nice. Something like freshmeat with an obscenely small amount of information
per page would be a downgrade IMO.
> Meanwhile, I continue to maintain the pages as a
In short, thanks. With all this talk of the page sucking, I'd like to point
out that it's an incredibly useful thing, and without it things would be a lot
worse. So, thanks be to Dave.
-Dave Robillard
(who needs to start using his full name. too many damn Daves around here...)