Paul Davis writes:
not for locating to a given position. i know you can
running SMPTE, but when you use SMPTE as a point in time to go to,
this option is not available. you therefore can't use SMPTE to specify
sample-accurate edit points, etc.
I really don't see the problem.
IF every cycle is timestamped, then so is every sample.
Say you wand to drop-in at time t. Start playback,
wait until you are in the cycle with t0 < t < t1,
calculate k = floor ((t - t0) / (t1 - t0) * samplerate + 0.5),
switch to recording at the k-th sample.
Now for editing without 'running SMPTE' the only condition is
that your 'content' is defined w.r.t. a 'transport time' in seconds.
You need this mapping anyway in order to sync.
Am I missing something ?