On Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 2:25 PM, Iain Duncan <iainduncanlists(a)gmail.com>wrote;wrote:
Hi everyone, hoping to get opinions from gurus on
here, who have been
*incredibly* helpful in getting my project to where its at. A million thank
Ok, the situation so far, which is working well:
- the app uses a generalized 'message' structure, all the different forms
of messages fit into this structure by having it act alike a union. ( ie, a
message always takes up the same amount of space, no matter the type )
- messages do not container pointers, in order that they be simple to send
and receive over network clients, hardware, etc
- there are ringbuffers between my audio thread and real time thread
What I'm tackling:
- I want to add the capability for messages to have deferred execution, so
they can be sent with a 'process at 4:3:1' kind of thing
- I think the best tradeoff for my app so far will be to use a hybrid of a
timeline array and a linked list. there will be coarse time values stored
by raw array indexing, speeding up lookup, and fine time values will be
stored in the messages themselves
- so, when the engine is processing deferred messages, it will go and
check timelineArray for all messages at bar 1:beat 1, which will be a
linked list of all the messages with start time between bar:1 beat 1 and
bar 1: beat 2 ( time resolution may change, this just for example
- then the engine iterates on every tick through that list of messages.
This way, iteration on every tick is limited to a reasonable sized linked
list and I can play with the cpu vs data storage equation by simply
changing the resolution of the time line array
- I need to allocate memory for new linked list items in the realtime
- the timeline array needs to be able to grow in the real time thread
- I don't need to get it perfect *right now* but I need to be able to
change it to Really Good later
- I checked out some resources, like this one the Design Patterns for *
Real*-*Time* Computer *Music*
and the supercollider book chapter and see there are a lot of options
- I could pre-allocate a giant list of messages and pluck the data off
that list when I need to make a new one
- I could pre-allocate a block of memory and allocate off that
- I could allocate in the non-realtime thread and then pass memory over in
Would love to hear opinions on how others would solve these, including
tradeoffs of each.
Also, any thoughts on 'good enough to start with' techniques welcome!