On Thu, Jan 30, 2003 at 09:35:57 +0100, David Olofson wrote:
If so I would
suggest 624 x 64 for a 1U 19" window. The ratio is
1:9.75; just half a pixel away from 19":1U on the height. 624 gives
you some room for window borders even in 640x480, and height
shouldn't be an issue as long as units stay below 7U. 64 is also a
nice figure for 1U, IMHO. :-)
There were no complaints about using 624 x 64 as the 1U of 19" for
virtual rack devices, IIRC. Still sounds nice to me, although, for
various reasons, I'd also like to support "half rack" format; ie 312
pixels corresponding to 9?" units.
Yeah, good idea.
I did actually play with this stuff a little, one possible way forward is
using Xnest*, but I found it a bit tricky to get stated (its not well
documented). In theory you would write a simple window manager, get it
running on the Xnest server and the set the DISPLAY var to the Xnest
server when starting your app. The simple window manager could then stick
it in the right place and all would be happyness and joy.
Except that I could not get the Xnest server to autorise any clients ;)
- Steve
* Xnest is an X Windows client (window) and virtual X Server that appears
as a server to apps, so you can run any X apps and they will appear in the
window which can have its own window manager etc. It comes with XFree86 by