On Thu, 2011-05-05 at 08:40 +0100, Rui Nuno Capela wrote:
On 05/04/2011 11:53 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
On Wed, 2011-05-04 at 22:41 +0100, Rui Nuno
Capela wrote:
On 05/04/2011 10:08 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
On Wed, 2011-05-04 at 15:39 +0100, Rui Nuno
Capela wrote:
> direct loopback in a brainless bouncing scenario
There were (and still might be) issues when doing the mastering by
connecting Qtractor's master outs left and right to the inputs of a
stereo track. Since there's no option to mix down the
multi-track-recording to a stereo wav file, it should be possible to do
the mastering this way.
yes there is, it's called "export", and you may find it on the
Track/Export Tracks/Audio... menu.
Yoshimi insert in? LV2Rack (VocProc as Vocoder) insert in? This would
mix down inserts too? A mix of audio tracks and MIDI DSSI instrument
tracks? Instead of testing, I'm asking ;).
a)no need to test. the answer is certainly not.
note that:
a) only audio track clips are mixed-down to an audio file; audio fx
plugins and inserts are indeed processed as in faster-than-realtime mode
(aka freewheel mode).
b) midi tracks get merged-down into a single midi file. obviously, midi
instrument plugins are not processed as their output is audio signal and
not midi.
As a musician who started with the Comodore 64 MIDI sequencer + click
sync to an analog audio recorder and Atari ST MIDI sequencer + SMPTE
sync to an analog audio recorder, I'm accustomed to traditional analog
recording and mastering.
Ok, I could take care about the track order for Qtractor.
What exactly is the track order?
Is the last track, the track I added at last to a Qtractor session or is
it the last track for the track view? And if I use additionally other
applications too, does Ardour2 or Rosegarden or ... handle it the same
way as Qtractor does?