Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:
all this means that if somebody uses GPL'd code without releasing under
GPL him/herself, s/he is in breach of contract with the original
author(s). it *does* *not* *mean* that you can now assume the entire
package is up for grabs under the terms of the GPL.
IANAL, but with a certainty of 99,9% this is the actual state of affairs
how German courts does accept/fit the GPL to the German law and it seems
to be the same for the Netherlands, because of a similar copyright law
that someone from the list described and it seems to be the same for the
USA and nearly every country, if I didn't misunderstood clarifications
on English.
First I thought that some issues might differ, but now I completely
agree. This is how clarifications on German and English "translate" the
legal terminology of the GPL.