Dear Sirs, dear Madams
I've programmed an utility called kisdnmonitor, it tracks the calls you make/
receive. It's for KDE as the name suggests. There's a server as well, it's
isdnserver. You can get more infos on both on:
Now I would like to add telephony support to the programs, so that you can use
the computer as a "deluxe" isdn phone.
So far I've figured out that you can dial through the modem emulation /dev/ttyIx.
You just properly configure the device and then with the following Hayes codes:
ATD<the phone number>
you can start a call.
Everything is ok so far, the problem is that, obviously, no sound will automagically
come out from the speakers and nothing that is brabbled through the mic will go to
the other side.
Basically, what I want to do, is to stream the sound from the isdncard to the speakers
and from the mic to the isdncard. Vbox (a voice call programm) is able to save samples
from the isdncard's input. I should mention as well that years ago, I had a program
came with the isdncard (for windoze) called RVScom that had the same functionality,
and it worked (in walkie talkie mode, I guess that my isdncard isn't full duplex
Since 8 bits suffice, the processor load shouldn't be extreme.
Has anyone an idea?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance
Respectfully submitted