On Sat, 2006-04-22 at 11:56 -0700,
thockin(a)hockin.org wrote:
On Sat, Apr 22, 2006 at 02:22:09PM -0400, Dave
Robillard wrote:
> B) RDF syntax: RDF/Turtle seems a lot more
popular in these parts than
> RDF/XML. We could mandate Turtle for all LADSPA metadata.
Personally I think it's ugly and strange and arbitrary and just weird
all around, but whatever. I don't really care. :)
I've not made time for audio software much this past year, so discount me
if you will, but I agree. I just don't see the point of metadata outside
the plugin. I just don't get it.
nonono :) I think metadata outside the plugin is without a doubt the
right way to go. I meant I'm just not a huge fan of the particular
syntax of this Turtle stuff (as opposed to normal well-formed XML).
Mostly because it means we need special tools and who knows what
libraries to deal with it.
That's fine. I still don't get the point of seperating the two.