Alberto Botti <ath9(a)> writes:
Il giorno gio, 15/09/2005 alle 22.26 +0200, Magnus
Hjorth ha scritto:
About the original question, maybe it would be a
good idea to integrate with or at least support the ATK library that's part of
Well, someone did a port of GTK+ 2 to ncurses some time ago... it's
called "Cursed GTK" and can be found at
It seems somewhat outdated (the last release was in 2003) but the
concept is interesting, it doesn't require modifications to standard GTK
Ouch :-)
This thing never really worked, I tried it back then when
it was released. Many widgets dont map, most stnadard GTK
programs dont run, and if they did, the UI was basicaslly unusable.
Cursed GTK is just a little bit more than a hoax.