On Thu, 2008-01-31 at 02:39 +0100, Julien Claassen wrote:
Dave and Marek! It seems now, it is mostly you
discussing and flaming,
violating basics of the list ettiquet. And let's not be childish, it doesn't
matter who started being absuive. Either stop it or go off-list. There you can
bull-shit and curse yourselves to hell.
Regards? probably! :-)
Marek is adamantly spewing nonsense about the GPL, and I am responding.
Maybe I shouldn't, but while we're whining: centering me out because I
happened to get home and catch up on email at the same time as you is
hardly very fair when several other people are feeding the idiot much
more than I have.
Anyway, having conveniently reimplemented Marek as an algorithm, we are
all now free to waste our time fighting the forces of stupid until the
cows come home without involving a public mailing list or waiting for
tedious time delays involved with real people communication ;)
The astute reader will notice that step (e) (profit) is unreachable.
-DR- (Who didn't intend on posting to this thread again anyway, for the