On Tue, Dec 10, 2002 at 08:53:02 +0100, David Olofson wrote:
You could have
an interpreted mode, where it tries to evaluate it
noramlly, but that /will/ be slow.
Or an intermediate mode, where the GUI generates unoptimized machine
code more or less directly, by pasting "micro plugins" together.
That would be quite some work just for something that "compiles"
instantly, but runs slower that properly optimized code, and is
architecture dependent... *heh*
Well, you dont have to interpre part syou've allready compiled, jsut the
bits that are different.
Given they way you would design this in an Free Software system (ie. the
source code is really there, not some VM type stuff) it shouldn't be too
hard to make conventional-ish .so's that are blockless, its just that they
will be slow.
- Steve