On Thu, Apr 27, 2006 at 01:14:09PM +0200, Luis
Garrido wrote:
The RDF stuff is looking more and more arcane and
hairy with each
iteration, with all those colons, periods and quotes, plus some
SQL'ish for good measure. Human readable? I begin to miss the
syntactic simplicity of only using angled brackets in XML. Sigh, not
another syntax to learn, please.
XML doesn't offer the features we need. If we define an XML schema for
LADSPA2 descriptions, and someone extends it, you can bet your bottom
dollar that it will break 90% of the parsers in some exciting way.
But RDF can be written in XML, so it must have the features, mustn't it?
I just find it very hard to believe that audio plugins are that special.
Everyone else seems to manage fine with XML.