[Steve Harris]
On Thu, Apr 20, 2006 at 11:26:27 -0400, Taybin Rutkin
I wonder why people include the protocol though?
Using a java style
reverse DNS would have worked just fine:
org.ladspa.ontology would have made sense too.
Heh, that's a whole long argument. In brief: I should have put a copy of
the ontology there (I meant to, just never got round to it), and that
means that if/when a human finds a ladspa rdf file in the wild, they can
type it in the namespace and find a copy of the ontology (with human
readable notes in it) that explains what it is.
Which naïve me was expecting to find. A LADSPA ontology ... I love
the idea.
If you use a tag: URI, or something else unresolvable
then you dont have
the option to look it up, ever. But, if you use HTTP then you can put
something there, should you want to.
Please don't take it off your list of things to do.
Cheers, Tim