From: Bob Ham <rah(a)>
Why can't ladccad daemon start up without
jack server being running?
LADCCA was written with the assumption that jack is a system service,
along the lines of ALSA, X, syslog, etc.
well, ladccad does not refuse to sturt up without X or syslog being running.
LADCCA is a session manager
for clients of jack; not jack itself.
A thought it is a session manager for Linux Audio (as in LAdcca)
not exclisively for jackified applications.
Are there plans for laddcca to support jack-less operation?
To compare it with X, LADCCA
managing jack would be like gnome-session managing the X server. There
are other tools to do that; with X there is xdm, gdm or kdm and with
jack there is qjackctl.
From my
point of view it would be right for ladccad to bring jack up.
So allowing for
example multiple jack sessions with different jack settings.
Taking down and bringing up jackd is outside the scope of LADCCA but
fortunately, it won't be necessary to take down and bring up jackd in
order to change its settings once on-the-fly driver switching, and later
a general on-the-fly settings modification system is in place in jack.