well, it is mainly a packaging problem ... however, i
don't really like
the idea of starting a new codebase, mainly because of the development
overhead ...
of course a new codebase would be nonsense. the problem is (again) that
now the plugins are packaged by author rather then by category or
quality ...
imho it is somehow insane, that
ubuntustudio-audio-plugins, which
provides ladspa plugins for ubuntu studio (a distribution that should
work out of the box) depends on vcf-plugins, which is an unmaintained
collection of filters, that will most probably blow your speakers, when
you try to change the parameters ...
yep. maybe the gstreamer way is a possible solutions, or something
similar. they have three categories: good, bad and ugly (which are also
different packages):
gst-plugins-good: a set of good-quality plug-ins under our preferred
license, LGPL
gst-plugins-ugly: a set of good-quality plug-ins that might pose
distribution problems
gst-plugins-bad: a set of plug-ins that need more quality
So I think a common SVN/CVS repository for LADSPA plugins would be nice,
if all authors would agree on that and would manage their code within that.