On 02/28/2010 04:50 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
On Saturday 27 February 2010, Folderol wrote:
Sounds suspiciously like some form of quadrature
demodulator. Rather
like GEC/Sobel introduced with their 1018 TV chassis in the 1960s.
Oh how we laughed ...
Why were you laughing? Zenith did this, with a self excited circuit, using a
type 6BN6 gated beam tube to recover the audio directly from the 4.5 mhz
inter carrier frequency, starting in the fall of '51 with the intro of the
'52 model year. It worked fairly well too. Stable, not sensitive to the
fine tuning setting, so folks out in the fringes could tune for a slightly
better if not as sharp a pix.
Yeah, I'll plead guilty to being an old fart, 75
now. And its been one hell
of a ride to get to this day. Mostly enjoyable, I'd do it again almost
exactly as it happened.
what a story!
i didn't understand any of it, but i will sit down tonight, wade my way
through everything wikipedia knows about broadcasting technology, over a
glass of red fine, and try to appreciate it in full.
great to see the breadth of backgrounds here on LAD.