On Tue, 2008-06-17 at 16:50 +0200, Jens M Andreasen wrote:
A virtual midi-keyboard would solve that, perhaps
In any case, the supplied kbhit() will not work if you haven't already
screwed up your Xterm, but this one will:
/* We will use the keyboard for musical input
int kbhit()
static const int STDIN = 0;
static int initialized = 0;
if (! initialized) {
// Use termios to turn off line buffering
struct termios term;
tcgetattr(STDIN, &term);
term.c_lflag &= ~ICANON;
tcsetattr(STDIN, TCSANOW, &term);
setbuf(stdin, NULL);
initialized = 1;
int bytesWaiting;
ioctl(STDIN, FIONREAD, &bytesWaiting);
return bytesWaiting;