Ok say you did the drivers, provided support for them,
everything went
ok, no ripoffs, say a hundred of sold products as a consequence. After
all that they say "we don't share this information with *anyone*"
So, did they, or did they not, stop sharing the information they were
sharing previously?
We have a lot of discussions here in the States about "entitlements". (In
my estimation, one of the defining characteristics of being a democrat vs.
being a republican.) Because someone provided something in the past (and
still provides it), does that mean you are automatically entitled to
something else similar from them in the future...?
Why do you compare this situation where a bunch of
people would normally
try to achieve something, which in return would give companies more
customers, which christian clergy which misused every opportunity to
spread their propaganda.
You can't see any similarities??? Oh my... It's hard for me to do
anything besides see the comparison - it's called "moral righteousness".
Think about it for a bit, and if you just can't imagine any similarities
at all, send me a private email and I'll give you some ideas. OK, one
hint - imagine, if only just for a second, that for this comparison
"non-Christian" roughly equates to "non-Linux-user" and that
clergy" roughly equates to "Linux evangelist". (Oh, and feel free to
substitute "open source" for "Linux" in that phrase...) It is my
belief that people who hide behind the shield of moral righteousness are
the most close-minded people of all...
I deeply feel for those who were brave enough to
ignore it and were
prosecuted for it.
As I deeply feel for the RME folks who are being persecuted for this...